Consumer & Shopper Insights ​

Knowledge is power

At this stage of our consulting we work with our clients to discover and explore the beliefs, attitudes and motivations that guide the behavior of theirend customers in their purchasing decisions.

By analyzing consumer trends, macroeconomics and industry structures, we help our clients generate a 360-degree view of their customers that stimulates innovation, discovers the most promising sources of growth and helps develop successful products and brands.

This process is developed in three phases:

1. Generation of customer insight through qualitative research.

Qualitative research helps to give life to customers. It illustrates their needs, their decision-making processes and their reactions to companies and brands.

We work with customers and train them to use these perspectives to focus on problem solving, improvevalue propositions, overcome barriers to adoption and innovate faster and more successfully.

2. Customer segmentation to facilitate strategic decision-making and growth

With the increase in the number of brands, product launches, customer contact points and the intensification of the battle to gain market share, the segmentationis more important than ever to help marketing managers to focusinvestments and to identify the right growth opportunites.

We therefore help our clients to create a process of customer segmentation and profiling that can provide the fundamental insights needed to successfully navigate an increasingly complex market.

3. Reveal the stages and contact points that influence consumer choices

We help our clients to focus their investments on the four battlefields that make up the consumer’s decision-making path:

  • help the brand become part of theinitial consideration set
  • maximize word of mouth to stand out during theevaluation process
  • “bring the result home”at the store and through agents
  • build and maintain loyalty after purchase

La Beauty & Wellness Community

Nuovi tools per l’ascolto.

Why decide for yourself if your customers will be the ones buying?

La B&W Community è una comunità digitale di consumatori profilati e pronti a dare il loro feedback sui tuoi prodotti con surveys / consumer panels/ focus groups/ gruppi di prova/ spedizione di campioni
a domicilio.

Their opinion will allow you to know the preferences of your ideal consumers regarding your products and those of your competitors.

The Community is managed in partnership with AdactaInternational, our partners specialized in consumer & sensory research
with a 25 year old experience.

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