Analysis and development of the Brand's effectiveness

The brand must speak out

Digital technology, through new media channels and social networks, has loosened companies’ control over their own brand.

Relationships between brands and their customers have become more openas online discussions extend the brand experience after purchase and allow the end user to make their voice heard.

To manage these complexities and enhance growth, it is necessary toremove uncertainty from the branding process through careful analysis and strategic development.

The main phases of this activity consist of:

1. Making sure the brand matters

We help companies define the benefitsand experiences that make their brands relevant, distinctive and credible to customers, and to develop strategies to differentiate their brand through a higher positioning than the competition.

This often means repositioning established brands to better meet customer needs.

2. Brand portfolio optimization

As companies are constantly launching new brands and sub-brands to respond to the fragmented needsof their customers, we help to define the roles and the relationships within the company brand portfolio and weconsolidate brands to reduce complexity and overlapping costs. This will lead toa coherent brand architecture.

3. Keeping the brand promise at all points of contact with the customer

Conceiving a great brand on paper is never enough.

The brand promise and its values must be maintained and reinforced at all points of contact with the customer, both online and offline.

Our understanding of the multi-channel approach allows us to collaborate effectively with our clients in implementing branding strategies that help us specify what the company must do to deliver a consistent brand experience to customers.

4. Tracking and optimization

We help clients develop the metrics they need to understand where they started (compared to their competitors and/or other industries) and to measure the impact of their efforts.